Blog Post

Major Driving Distractions and How to Overcome Them

October 20, 2022

Distracted driving is never acceptable, yet most people have driven distracted at some point. A distracted driver can make poor decisions and cause accidents and injuries.

Many distractions can cause a driver to lose focus, but the following are the most common.

Cell Phone Use

Manipulating a cell phone while driving increases crash risk. With more people owning mobile phones, the problem will only worsen.

A driver using a mobile phone is at higher risk of being in a crash than one who isn't. Cell phone usage is dangerous because it encompasses three distractions — visual, cognitive, and physical. Many states have hand-held bans to combat distracted driving and only allow exemptions for selected emergency and law enforcement agencies.

Safety starts with yourself, and legislation can only do so much. While driving, you should:

  • Put your phone on do not disturb mode.
  • Set up an auto-response voicemail or text if possible.

If you need to take a call, safely pull over to a rest stop.

Out-of-Vehicle Distractions

Outside distractions, like cell phone distractions, affect a driver's ability to drive safely. Some distractions outside the vehicle include:

  • Road under construction
  • Signage and advertising
  • Pedestrians
  • Civilians under arrest

Drivers usually can't help themselves when staring at accidents that have caused a snarl-up as they pass them. 

So-called “rubbernecking” is risky behavior that increases the chances of collision. Rubbernecking is a conscious decision to stare outside rather than pay attention to the road. As a result, you may not have any time to react. By doing so, you put yourself and other road users at risk.

The most frustrating part is that the behavior is preventable. One of the best approaches is to drive defensively and assume other drivers are just as distracted.

Eating or Drinking

Though you may never have considered it, eating that drive-thru burger as you’re on your way home increases your chances of an accident. Like other distractions, eating or drinking may impede you from reacting fast enough to changes in traffic.

The risky behavior of eating while driving poses a visual, cognitive, and physical distraction from the wheel. 

A driver must take their eyes away from the road to unwrap fast food. The driver has to take their hand from the steering wheel to hold the food. And the driver is also mentally distracted by eating and avoiding spillage.

Some commonly problematic food and beverages include:

  • Hot liquids: Hot coffee and soups risk scalding the driver and may cause an unfortunate reaction on the road.
  • Food items that fall apart easily: Burgers, sandwiches, and burritos require concentration to manipulate single-handedly. A driver trying to clean up the gooey mess may cause an accident.

The bottom line is that eating while driving poses an unreasonable risk. If you need to eat, ask the assistance of a passenger to hold your food at mouth height, or pass you a fry at a time.


A driver getting lost in thought while driving is the leading cause of distracted driving and accounts for 61% of fatal crashes. 

Driving demands full attention at all times and can be monotonous. That is why experts recommend passive engagement to counteract inattentiveness behind the wheel. For instance, listening to a podcast can keep the mind engaged. 

If you find yourself wandering, be mindful as you recognize it. Focus on driving and deal with distractions once you reach your destination.

Although we all are prone to distraction, the key is consciously changing this behavior. Distracted driving can lead to devastating consequences in any situation. Causing a distracted driving accident can result in civil and criminal liability.

If you or someone you love has been in a serious car accident caused by a distracted driver, contact our lawyers today for a consultation.

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