Have you gotten a bikini wax that has gone bad? Did you get a fungal infection from a manicure? You may be able to do something about these injuries in Indiana. Salons and spas are legally required to provide safe and secure facilities for their patrons.
Most salon employees want to do a great job. After all, beauty is their passion. Unfortunately, some employees and salon owners make mistakes, and sometimes they are negligent. The results can be devastating for you and your loved ones.
If you have been injured or become ill after visiting a salon, read on. You may be able to do something about it.
Many personal injuries can result from a casual trip to the salon. You might be surprised how often salons are sued for injuries they cause.
One woman in Fort Wayneclaimed she contracted MRSA from a manicure. One of the dangerous challenges posed by MRSA is that it does not respond to antibiotic treatment. Other bacterial infections may result in forced amputation of limbs. One man faced the threat of amputation after visiting a Muncie salon for a pedicure.
Another womanwent into cardiac arrest and faced painful lesions because a hair salon employee used two types of dye in her hair. She spent days in the hospital in life support and faced a long recovery after multiple surgeries. She must now live with a defibulator and face additional surgeries in the future.
Burns are also commonly associated with beauty salons. Patrons have been injured by curling irons, dryers, waxes, and dyes, too. Thermal and chemical burns may range from first-degree to third-degree status.
As for any case, you must begin gathering evidence to support your claims if you choose to sue for personal injury. For instance, if you got an infection from a salon, you need to prove that infection is not a normal risk one might expect during a salon procedure.
First, you might look into the credentials of the salon you visited as well as its employees. You may find that some employees have not been properly trained or certified to perform tasks. You can also call into question the unsanitary nature of the facilities and any equipment employees used.
Salon employees are trained to perform certain tasks, like pre-treatment tests on your skin, before they pursue a full treatment. They are also trained to sanitize equipment thoroughly. If they don't perform these tasks as expected, your health and safety are at risk and the salon could be held liable for negligent behavior.
Next, you need documentation of your injuries. Retain copies of your medical records, including treatments and bills from your injuries.
You may recoup damages for several issues linked to your salon visit so long as you can prove they are owed to you.
Medical bills are the most common damage associated with personal injuries. The law determines that plaintiffs must be made whole, meaning the salon may be forced to cover your medical expenses.
You may also sue for lost wages. The woman with MRSA mentioned earlier was unable to work, so she lost her job. You may also sue for lost earning potential.
Sometimes, a lawyer may opt to fight for emotional damages, too. For instance, the case involving MRSA meant a mother was unable to care for her children, prompting emotional pain and suffering.
If you are facing an injury caused by a salon, you may have a strong case in your favor. You need to discuss your injuries, medical history, and case circumstances with a personal injury lawyer before moving forward.
Wegner & Associates
has years of experience in protecting the rights of people just like you. Call us today to see what we can do for you.